In the E²M Lab, we are interested in all sorts of extrem conditions, such as temperature, pressure, radiation, strain rate, but we are mainly focusing on non-isothermal high temperatures. To this end, we are conducting various types of complex experiments under uni-axial and multi-axial conditions that are at the forefront of testing. For instance, we are perfoming fast thermal jump up to 1200°C, thermal cycling at different rates, creep, creep-fatigue, oxidation characterization. Those allow us to gain a deeper understanding of the mechanical performance of advance alloys, such as superalloys and shape memory alloys. We used it then to inform the development of new state-of-the-art constitive models, which are also developed within the group, to determine intricate couplings.
Our research is directly impacting nuclear and aerospace components that need the highest standard of safety and achieved by improving thermomechanical performance predictions.
Here are the current topings investigated.