
Please, find here the grants we received, as well as the people, the companies and the institutions we are working with.


AmountAgencyTitlePI & Co-PIDuration
$667,124 ($354,070 for J.B. le Graverend)NSF MOMSCollaborative Research: Embedding Material-Informed History through Fractional Calculus
State Variable Formulations
”, recommended for Award
PI : J.B. le Graverend
Co-PI : D. Pagan (Penn State U)
From 06/01/2024
to 05/31/2027
($396,801 for J.B. le Graverend)
NSF MOMSStrain-memory Effects on Solid-state Transformation”, Award No.: 2331036PI : J.B. le Graverend
Co-PI : S. Ji & D. Hajovski
From 05/01/2024
to 04/30/2027
$445,861ONRUnraveling High-Temperature Creep-fatigue-oxidation in Metals” Award No.: N00014-
PI : J.B. le GraverendFrom 06/15/2020
to 06/14/2023
($366,001 for J.B. le Graverend)
NSF MOMSNon-Isothermal Viscoplasticity in Metals”, Award No.: 1950027PI : J.B. le Graverend
Co-PI : A. Benzerga
From 05/01/2020
to 04/30/2023
$358,869AFOSRMicrostructure Instabilities in Single Crystal Metals for Extreme Environments”,
Award No.: FA9550-17-1-0233
PI : J.B. le GraverendFrom 04/01/2017
to 03/31/2021

Collaborations with public institutions





Collaborations with Industrie

Pratt & Whitney

Pratt & Whitney

GE Aviation

Collaborations with other institutions

Darren Pagan, Pennsylvania State University

Natasha Vermaak, Lehigh University

Samuel Forest, Mines de Paris

Gunther Eggeler, Ruhr Universität Bochum