* Corresponding Author – Ph.D. Student – Master Student – Undergraduate Student
TMS 2023, San Diego (CA), USA, March 19-23, 2023
- Crystal-plasticity modeling of monotonic and cyclic softening in Inconel 718 superalloy
J.-B le Graverend (Sp)
International Symposium on Superalloys, Virtual, September 13-16, 2021
- Phenomenological Modeling of the Effect of Oxidation on the Creep Response of Ni-Based Single-Crystal Superalloys
J.-B. le Graverend (Sp) & S. Lee
TMS 2020, San Diego (CA), USA, February 23-27, 2020
- A Damage Model with Oxidation Effects
J.-B. le Graverend (Sp) & S. Lee - Phase-field-informed Modeling of γ’ Rafting in 3D during
High-Temperature Creep in Ni-based Single Crystal Superalloys
J.-B. le Graverend (Sp) & R. Harikrishnan
Euromat 2019, Stockholm, Sweden, September 1-5, 2019
- Phase-Field-Informed Modeling of γ’ Rafting in 3D during High-Temperature Creep in Ni-Based Single Crystal Superalloys
J.-B. le Graverend (Sp) & R. Harikrishnan - Finite-Element Crystal Plasticity on Phase-Field Microstructures: Predicting Mechanical Response Variations in Ni-based Single-Crystal
J.-B. le Graverend (Sp) & R. Harikrishnan
TMS 2019, San Antonio (TX), USA, March 10-14, 2019
- Finite-Element Crystal Plasticity on Phase-Field
Microstructures: Predicting Mechanical Response Variations in Ni-based Single-Crystal Superalloys
J.-B. le Graverend (Sp) & R. Harikrishnan
Eurosuperalloys 2018, Oxford, UK, September 9-13 2018
- A physics-oriented creep damage model for non-linear damage accumulations in single crystal superalloys.
J.-B. le Graverend (Sp)
TMS 2018, Phoenix (AZ), USA, March 11-15 2018
- A Physics-oriented Creep Damage Model for Single Crystal Superalloys
J.-B. le Graverend (Sp) - A qualitative FE analysis of the effect of the local texture on the heterogeneous plastic strain field in nickel-based superalloy during low fatigue.
J.-B. le Graverend (Sp)
IUTAM on Multi-Scale Fatigue, Fracture and Damage of Materials in Harsh Environment, Galway, Ireland, August 28 – September 1, 2017
- A damage Density Function for fast Evolving Microstructures
J.-B. le Graverend (Sp)
TMS 2017, San Diego (CA), USA, February 26-March 2, 2017
- A New Damage Model for Creep-Fatigue Damage Accumulations
J.-B. le Graverend (Sp)
- Anisothermal High-Temperature Cyclic Behavior of a Ni-Base Single Crystal Superalloy
J.-B. le Graverend (Poster), J. Adrien, J. Cormier, F. Gallerneau, S. Kruch, J. Mendez - Anisothermal High-Temperature Cyclic Behavior of a Ni-Based Single Crystal Superalloy
J.-B. le Graverend (Proceeding Paper), J. Cormier, F. Gallerneau, S. Kruch, J. Mendez
European Mechanics of Materials Conference, Brussels, Belgium, September 7-9, 2016.
- Continuum Damage Modeling for Anisothermal Loading in Single Crystal Superalloys
J.-B. le Graverend (Sp)
ICTAM 2016, Montreal (QC), CA, August 21-26, 2016
- 3D Modeling of γ’-Rafting for Predicting Viscoplastic Deformations in Ni-Based Single Crystal Superalloys
J.-B. le Graverend (Sp)
SEM International Congress & Exposition on Experimental & Applied Mechanics, Orlando (FL), USA, June 6-9, 2016
- Broadband Electromechanical Spectroscopy: A Method for Measuring the Dynamic Electromechanical Response of Ferroelectrics
C. Wojnar (Proceeding Paper), J.-B. le Graverend, D. Kochmann*
TMS 2016, Nashville (TN), USA, February 14-18, 2016.
- FE Simulations of Multiaxial Thermo-mechanical loading at high temperature on a Ni-based single-crystal superalloy.
J.-B. le Graverend (Sp), V. Bonnand, J. Cormier, D. Pacou, J. Mendez.
International Symposium on Plasticity and its Current Applications, Hawaii, USA, January 3-9, 2016
- Anisothermal Creep Deformations in Ni-based Single Crystal Superalloys
J.-B. le Graverend (Keynote presentation), J. Cormier, F. Gallerneau, S. Kruch, J. Mendez
Creep 2015, Toulouse, France, May 31-June 4, 2015.
- Multiaxial Thermo-mechanical loading at high temperature on a Ni-based single-crystal superalloy.
J.-B. le Graverend (Sp), V. Bonnand, J. Cormier, D. Pacou, J. Mendez.
- Porosity evolution during high temperature creep tests in a single crystal superalloy by 3D X-ray computed tomography.
J.-B. le Graverend (Sp), J. Adrien, J. Cormier, F. Gallerneau, S. Kruch, J. Mendez - Real time in Situ X-Ray Diffraction Study of the High Temperature Mechanical Behavior of a Rafted Single Crystal Superalloy.
T. Schenk (Proceeding Paper), J.-B. le Graverend, J. Cormier
International Symposium on Plasticity and Its Current Applications, Montego Bay, Jamaica, January, 4-9, 2015
- Effect of the γ’ precipitate distribution on the high temperature cyclic behavior of a Ni-based single crystal superalloy.
J.-B. le Graverend (Invited presentation), J. Cormier, F. Gallerneau, S. Kruch, J. Mendez
- Characterizing the viscoelastic stiffness and damping of ferroelectrics during electric fiels cycling: experiments and modeling.
C. Wojnar (Speaker), J.-B. le Graverend, D. Kochmann
Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Kyoto, Japan, May 27-31, 2012.
- Parametric study of TCP-phase precipitates in the MC2 nickel base single crystal superalloy and induced microstructral evolutions.
J.-B. le Graverend (Sp), J. Cormier, F. Gallerneau, S. Kruch, J. Mendez - Effect of an overheating on the creep life of the MC2 nickel base superalloy in relation with the γ’ morphological evolution.
J.-B. le Graverend (Proceeding Paper), J. Cormier, F. Gallerneau, S. Kruch, J. Mendez
- A strain rate sensitive formulation to account for the effect of γ’ rafting on the high temperature mechanical properties of Ni-based single crystal superalloys.
J.-B. le Graverend (Sp), J. Cormier, S. Kruch, F. Gallerneau, J. Mendez
- Effect of an overheating on the creep life of the MC2 nickel base superalloy in relation with the γ’ morphological evolution.
J.-B. le Graverend (Sp), J. Cormier, F. Gallerneau, S. Kruch, J. Mendez
Euro Superalloys 2010, Wildbad Kreuth, Germany, May 25-28, 2010.
- Dissolution of fine γ’ precipitates of MC2 Ni-based single-crystal superalloy in creep-fatigue regime.
J.-B. le Graverend (Sp), J. Cormier, F. Gallerneau, P. Paulmier
Mécamat 2010, Aussois, France, January 11-15, 2010
- Simulation de régimes d’urgence et impact sur le comportement des superalliages monocristallins.
J.-B. le Graverend (Poster), F. Gallerneau, P. Paulmier
ELECTROCOR 2009, WIT Southampton, June 2009
- Primary to tenury current distribution at a vertical electrode during two-phase electrolysis.
P. Mandin (Proceeding paper), H. Roustan, J.-B. le Graverend, R. Wüthrich
ECS Meeting Abstracts, August 2008
- Electrochemical Engineering Modelling of the Properties at Industrial Electrodes During Two-Phase Electrolysis
P. Mandin (Sp), N. Duhanyan, J.-B. le Graverend, R. Wüthrich, H. Roustan, G. Picard